Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the altitude at Bryce Canyon?

A: 7000 feet at Ruby’s Inn up to 9000 feet at Rainbow Point

Q: Bryce has two Best Westerns. Which one is ours?

A: Ruby’s Inn is on the west side of the street at the stoplight.

Q: What is the average temperature in June at Bryce Canyon?

A: The highs are typically in the 70’s and 80’s, and the lows can get down into the 40’s. 

Q: When will registrations close?

A: April 20th will be the last day to register.

Q: Where else may I stay if the rooms at Ruby’s Inn are all taken?

A: The Accommodations page HERE will direct you to other lodging opportunities.

Q: What is the cancellation policy after we sign up and pay for the conference?

A: For any refund, cancellation requests must be received by April 20th.

Q: Is your conference in conjunction with the Bryce Canyon National Park Annual Stargazing Party? If so, is attendance at both events possible?

A: ASTROCON will be held at the same time as the annual Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival. However, the two events are independent, and you can participate in both.

Q: Can we modify our reservations at Ruby’s Inn if we want to stay longer or leave earlier?

A: Reserved rooms with the ASTROCON rates are available the nights of June 24th through the 28th.  This also includes the RV Park and Campground.  If you want to come earlier or stay later, you will be charged the normal rate for those extra nights.

Q: Shall we fly out or drive so we can bring our equipment?

A: By all means, bring your equipment to enjoy the spectacular dark skies and participate in the observing and/or imaging contests.

Q: How far is it from Ruby’s Inn to the public viewing site at the Bryce Canyon National Park Visitor’s Center?

A: It is about 5 miles to the Visitor’s Center. You may drive yourself and park in the Visitor’s Center parking lot or take a shuttle bus that leaves Ruby’s Inn every 15 minutes or so. The last shuttle bus returns to Ruby’s Inn from the public star party site at around midnight.

Is the star party held each night of ASTROCON?

The public star party will occur each night, Wednesday June 25th through Saturday June 28th. The public star party is part of the annual Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival. There are typically up to 40 telescopes set up, including large refractors and “light bucket” dobsonians.


