ASTROCON 2025 Observing Contest

52 Listed Deep Sky Objects Compiled by Observing Committee:
Jenette Scott, Krista Lemoine, Leslie Fowler, and Max Byerly

Awards of Recognition:

  • 20 Objects Viewed: BRONZE Certificate
  • 30 Objects Viewed: SILVER Certificate
  • 42 Objects Viewed: GOLD Certificate (42 is the answer)
  • 50 Objects Viewed: Special Recognition Certificate for Starhoppers
ASTROCON 2025 Observation Guide and Logbook

The list of objects will be in the Observing Guide and Logbook, which can be picked up at the ASTROCON Information Desk near the exhibitor area.

To receive any award certificates, you may view any of the objects among the 52 listed.

Easy requirements for location:
  • Star-hopping, setting circles, and go-to mounts are all acceptable.
  • Friends and acquaintances may cooperate.
  • Viewing the objects and observing detail is paramount.
  • Use the Observation Guide and Logbook to record what you see.

You have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights to find the objects. These may be viewed from the Public Star Party viewing site or at the Private Star Party location at Rainbow Point.

Award certificates will be presented at the Gala Awards Banquet.

Sky & Telescope Pocket Atlas page numbers will be referenced for each object.

A .skylist attachment will be made available for downloading the list into the SkySafari app.


