Star Parties

Public Star Parties

Public star parties will be held in a large parking lot across the street from the Bryce Canyon National Park Visitor’s Center. Each evening from Wednesday, June 25th through Saturday, June 28th, the star parties will start at 10:00 pm and conclude around Midnight.

If you are not bringing equipment and want to attend one or more of the public star parties, please park in the Visitor’s Center parking lot or, better yet, take a shuttle bus from Ruby’s Inn to the Visitor’s Center. At 10:00 p.m., the park service rangers will allow the public onto the telescope field. Please watch carefully where the park rangers will guide the public with special lighting.

The National Park Service requires that those who will participate in a public star party with their telescopes plan to attend an orientation meeting at the Visitor’s Center before the evening stargazing. These orientation meetings will be held each evening at 6:00 p.m. at the Visitor’s Center. Please contact Walter Williams about how to schedule your orientation meeting.

Those bringing telescopes will be allowed to set up their equipment after 7:30 p.m. At 10:00 p.m., the public will be invited onto the telescope field.

Please contact Walter Williams if you want to participate with at least one night of viewing.

Private Star Parties

Private viewing will be available at Rainbow Point at the southern end of Bryce Canyon National Park for those participating in the AstroCon Astrophotography Contest, AstroCon Observing Award, or those who want a place for quiet personal viewing.

There is limited parking for private viewing. If you want to reserve a spot for your equipment at Rainbow Point, contact Walter Williams. Walter will send you specific information with all you’ll need to know.


