AstroCon 2025 Workshops


Astrophotography / Digital Imaging – Novice:


  • Help for those just getting into photography for the first time.
  • What type of equipment may be needed and basic photography techniques unique to astronomy.
Astrophotography / Digital Imaging – Advanced:
  • Intermediate and advanced imagers that want to hone their skills and learn about the latest techniques and equipment.


Observing: Personal Program / Journal:
  • Setting up your own personal observing program including Astronomical League Observing Programs to consider.
  • Starting and keeping your own journal.


Observing: Tips & Ideas / Eyepieces / Filters:
Your body: Proper sleep, nutrition, breathing techniques,
  • How to use your eyes: Which eye, dark adaption, relaxed with no strain, the sweet spot and the no-go zone. Close one eye when using charts, keeping your body still.
  • How to dress
  • Telescopes & Binoculars: binoculars, telescopes, how charts are easy for dobs – hard for SCTs, fast vs slow, coma, 
  • Other equipment: Planisphere, books (iDSA), (other workshop), Red flashlight that is super dim and another one super bright, white flashlight, several pencils, and paper (other workshop)
  • Filters: How they work, different kinds, 
  • Eyepieces: Different sizes, AFoV vs TFoV, weight, cost, “planetary” vs “deep-sky” eyepieces, why they can cost so much

Observing: Charts / Books / Observing Lists:
  • Using star charts (digital and paper) and reference books/star atlases.
  • Creation of observing lists for different types of objects.


  • This workshop will give attendees hands-on experience with drawing what you see at the eyepiece.


